10 Ways to Use Salt for Protection

When it comes to witchcraft, sometimes the most powerful tools are the simplest ones. Enter salt—a kitchen staple with magical properties that go way beyond seasoning your fries. This humble mineral has been used  in spells and rituals for protection, cleansing, and warding off negativity. Whether you're a newbie witch or a seasoned spellcaster, incorporating salt into your practice is like adding an extra layer of armor to your spiritual journey.

Here are 13 easy ways you can harness the protective power of salt to keep bad vibes at bay and your energy sparkling clean.


1 Protective Circle: Sprinkle salt in a circle around your space to create a barrier that keeps unwanted energies out during rituals and spells.

2 Salt Protection Jar: Fill a jar with salt and place it near entrances to your home to ward off negative energy. Add some protection herbs like Sage and Rosemary or even nails and thumbtacks. 

3 Salt Water Spray: Dissolve salt in water and use it as a spray to cleanse and protect spaces or objects.

4 Bath Soak: Add salt to your bath rituals for cleansing and protection.

5 Salted Doorways: Sprinkle a line of salt along your windows and doorways to keep away anything you don't want inside.

6 Cleansing Crystals: Use salt to cleanse your crystals by placing them in a bowl of salt overnight to remove any unwanted energy. Just remember to look up your specific crystal before you salt it, some crystals are really sensitive and only require water to cleanse.

7 Candle Magic: Sprinkle salt around your candles during spells or rituals to enhance protection and amplify your intentions

8 Salt Circle Meditation: Sit within a circle of salt during meditation to enhance your focus and shield yourself from external energies.

9 Energy Clearing: Use salt to clear negative energy from your home by sprinkling it in corners and vacuuming it up after a few hours.

10 Protective Anointing: Mix salt with oil and use it to anoint objects, yourself, or your space for added protection.


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