3 Easy Spells for Fall

Fall is almost here, and it’s time to cozy up with some warm drinks, scented candles, and dive into the magical vibes of the season. If you’re feeling the autumn energy and need some simple spells to match, I’ve got you covered. Here are three super easy spells you can do this fall to connect with the magic of the season.

1. Pumpkin Spice Prosperity Spell 🎃

Is it really fall if you haven’t had your dose of pumpkin spice? This spell is as basic (in the best way) as it gets and perfect for bringing a little extra abundance into your life.

What You’ll Need:

  • A pumpkin spice-scented candle
  • A cinnamon stick
  • A coin or something that represents prosperity to you

How to Do It: Light your pumpkin spice candle and hold the cinnamon stick in your hands. Close your eyes and visualize prosperity flowing into your life—whether that’s more cash, opportunities, or just good vibes. Place the coin next to the candle and let it charge with your intentions as the candle burns down. Keep the coin with you as a charm or put it somewhere important, like your wallet.

2. Apple Love Spell 🍏

Apples are the ultimate symbol of love and attraction in witchcraft. This super easy spell helps attract more love—romantic or self-love—into your life this fall.

What You’ll Need:

  • A red apple
  • Honey
  • A piece of red string or ribbon

How to Do It: Cut the apple in half and drizzle a bit of honey inside. As you do, say something like, “As this apple is sweet, so too is the love I attract.” Place the two halves back together and tie them with the red string. Bury the apple outside (or in a pot) to let the earth work its magic.

3. Cinnamon Stick Money Magnet Spell 💸

Cinnamon is not only delicious but also a powerful ingredient in money spells. This spell helps you attract financial opportunities.

What You’ll Need:

  • A cinnamon stick
  • A green candle
  • Peppermint essential oil
How to Do It: Anoint the cinnamon stick with your essential oi. Light the green candle and focus on your financial goals—whether it’s saving money or earning more. Hold the cinnamon stick over the flame (carefully) and focus on your intention. Carry the cinnamon stick in your bag or keep it near your work area as a money magnet.
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