Fall Release Tarot Spread: Let Go and Transform this Autumn

As the leaves begin to fall, the autumn season naturally invites us to release what no longer serves us. Just as trees shed their leaves to make space for new growth, we too can use this season to let go of habits, relationships, and beliefs that weigh us down. The Fall Release Tarot Spread is designed to help you identify what needs to be released, understand why you're holding onto it, and guide you through the process of letting go to transform into your truest self.



1. What am I holding onto that no longer serves me?

Pulling this card reveals the dead weight in your life—whether it’s a toxic relationship, an old belief, or a habit that’s holding you back. This card is your wake-up call, showing you exactly what’s preventing you from living your fullest potential.

2. Why am I still holding onto this?

The second card dives into the deeper why. Maybe it’s fear of the unknown, a comfort zone that’s no longer comfortable, or unresolved emotions from the past. This card uncovers the root cause of your attachment so you can face it head-on.

3. What will I gain by letting go?

This card shows the rewards waiting for you on the other side of release. Whether it's a fresh perspective, inner peace, or new opportunities, letting go opens space for something better. Embrace the beauty of transformation.

4. How can I best release this?

Now, it’s time for action. This card gives you clear advice on how to release what’s holding you back. Maybe it's through self-reflection, a heart-to-heart conversation, or finally setting firm boundaries. Whatever it is, the tarot will show you the most effective path.

5. What will transform within me during this fall season?

The final card represents your personal transformation. As you release the old, you create space for renewal. This card showcases how you’ll evolve and grow, embracing the energy of the season and stepping into your power



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