How to Create a Simple Altar Space 🌙✨

What is an Altar and Why Do You Need One?

An altar’s basically just a spot to be with your current rituals, intentions, and spellwork. It can literally be whatever you want—you don’t need a huge setup. A little shelf, your nightstand, or even a corner of your table works. It’s just there to remind you of your magic and give you a physical space to focus on, no matter how big, small or lowkey it is.

Pick what matters to you

I always pick things that have meaning regardless if they are considered ‘witchy’ or not. You don’t have to start with these, but here are some ideas of things I usually keep on my altar. 

  • Crystals: Choose a few crystals that align with your intentions. I like to keep a Smoky Quartz for protection or Tigers Eye. If I’m reading a lot of tarot I might add a Moonstone. Or if I’m feeling crappy I’ll throw in a Rose Quartz. 
  • Candles: Pillar candles are always nice. I like to collect them when I find ones that I like. But tea lights or any candles work well.
  • Incense or Essential Oils: Incense is usually a must have. I use both stick incense and loose herbs for clearing the energy around the altar. Lately I’ve been diffusing essential oils in a little candle burner too. 
  • Ancestral connections: This doesn’t always have to matter, but if you feel a close spiritual connection to a loved one that has passed on you can add a small picture frame of them on your altar or something that represents them to you. 

Incorporate the Elements or nature

I like to add elemental representations to my altar. I think it helps me connect to the Earth and keeps me grounded. It’s not always something specific - sometimes it’s just a rock, leaf, or feather from a walk. But here are some other examples I’ve used. 

  • Earth: A small plant or a single crystal.
  • Air: Feather, incense, or essential oils.
  • Fire: Tea light candles, incense.
  • Water: A small bowl of water or seashells.

Keep it Simple

I used to think I needed elaborate decorations every season and if I didn’t it was somehow not being a ‘real witch.’ But who has the funds, time or energy to do that? You do not need a big set up - especially when you’re just beginning your practice - to focus on your own magic. Remember the idea is to just have a space where you can practice your intentions and lay out things to keep you connected to your current focuses. 

  • Don’t feel like you have to have all the things. A few tea lights and a note book you’re writing in is just as much an altar as anything. 
  • Look for things outside. Butterfly wings, shiny river rocks and even a pretty picked flower and just as magical as something store bought. 
  • Sometimes things need to be hidden, even just for now. Keep things indiscreet by setting up your altar on a windowsill, bookshelf or even in a drawer. 

How to use your altar

Once your small altar is set up, make it a part of your daily practice. Spend a few moments each day at your altar to set intentions, meditate, or practice gratitude. Your altar doesn’t have to be elaborate to be powerful—what matters is the energy you put into it.

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