Intention and Gratitude

I’ve been thinking a lot about intention and gratitude. And how important it is to know what you want so you can plan out exactly where you need to be. I think lately I’ve been feeling out of sorts with my ‘plans’ and a little lost. I’m not exactly sure what I want, so I can’t map out 'how to get there, if you know what I mean. 

Since I’ve been feeling it, I’m sure there are other people out there too. So I created an intention/gratitude daily planner sheet. The intention of this printout is not to really show you where to go - but more or less to serve as a guide to help organize your daily thoughts on what you want and how you picture your life to be.

I coupled it with gratitude because it’s important to start combining the right energy. Intention is wanting to step forward into where you want to be, and gratitude is being thankful for where you’re already at. And that’s not to say there isn't room for shitty things to happen; obviously, you’re not going to be thankful for 100% of the time about 100% of everything going on. Sometimes it sucks and it's perfectly ok to feel your feelings and be in that moment. But even if you listed out something small to stay focused on, even during a rough time, I think it could help maintain an overall energy in that space. 


How to use the Intention / Gratitude Printable

The planner page is intended for one-day use. Print one out for each day you would like to use it. I would suggest starting with every day for two weeks, then switching to weekly or every other day after that. Eventually, when you have your plan down, and you know how you will feel receiving your intention, you can just use it on a monthly basis, like a check-in. You could even couple it with a full moon or new moon energy. Think of this as building up momentum, and you need a lot of it to get started. After that, it can build on itself. 

Fill in all the fields starting with the date, then move on to checking off any rituals or spell work. I think it’s important to track any rituals or spell work to see if they have a positive effect on your intention-setting practice. So I’ve included a space for them on this sheet. Next, state your intention. I think it can be helpful to write it in the past tense, so phrase your intention as if it has already passed. For example, you can say, “I am so happy to receive daily orders at my small business.” Even though that may not have happened yet.

Once you have filled out all the spaces in the right-hand side - start filling out the left-hand spaces. Starting with filling out the steps you would take to fulfill this intention. This is the part where you need to break it down. What small steps can you take today, this week, or this month to help bring along this energy that you want to fulfill? I think sometimes we can get so caught up in the manifesting part that we forget that there is a whole separate piece to the puzzle. I’ve heard this is called ‘footwork’ or 'mundane work’. Whatever you call it - you still have to put in physical effort to get results. Magic won’t work unless you do.

Next, think of exactly how it would feel to receive all your intentions. Use a full sensory experience to feel, smell, touch and taste exactly how everything will be. Imagine full-scale scenarios in your mind about your life, and imagine exactly how everything will play out.

Remember that your intentions will change over time, and this is ok. We are meant to move and grow, not stay stagnant, so your questions and how you feel about things are supposed to shift. It’s ok to grow with your intentions and watch them evolve as you do over time. So you may look at your beginning Intention / Gratitude pages in the beginning and see that you have completely changed your mind to where you thought you wanted to be.

Keeping your pages

Use a hole punch and store your pages in a 3-ring binder. You can use the first page of the printout as a cover. Or you can print out the pages and store them in a folder or notebook.

Print as many as you like for the entire duration that you are using them. I do ask you not to share - but just as an honor system. 

To download your own Intention / Gratitude page, click HERE!

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