Moon phases

Witches are often associated with the moon and that’s really by no accident. We tend to gravitate towards her shining light even in our darkest hours and set our lives to the phases she shows in the sky. Working with the moon is a really simple way to bring magic into your life by finding growth, death and balance in everything you do.


Why moon phases

The moon for me is more than just a magical sphere. Each monthly phase brings another season of cycling through a specific focus. As each month carries into the next - it creates a powerful backdrop that you can manifest your whole life with and a way for you to track progress, release what’s not working and bring in new opportunities.


How do witches work with the moon

It’s really simple. Each moon phase represents a certain quality that is quantified by the energy of the moon. During that time specific spellwork, rituals or intentions are set that align with that energy. As each phase moves to the next, so does your rituals. And you cycle in alignment with the moon phases.


The moon and her phases

Each month the moon has four phases. And with each phase a certain energy exists attributing to a specific phase.


Waning moon

This is the phase where the moon gets smaller in size in the sky. It can start to slowly give way and even appear as a small crescent in the sky.

During this phase witches work on releasing things that no longer serve them. Think letting go and moving on. This crucial time is important to clearing the hardest of dead leaves. If you have too much gunk in the way you won’t have any room for new things to grow. So this season of death is also a way to bring in new life or things expecting things to come.


New moon (dark moon)

The new moon or sometimes called the dark moon is when you don’t see an actual physical moon in the sky. You know it’s still there but it’s not visible to the human eye.

When there isn’t a moon in the sky, opportunities are waiting. During this time you want to manifest anything new that you want to see coming into your life. New jobs, new relationships, new spaces. Anything new is ready to make an appearance during this time. Focus on setting intentions and seeking new spaces. 


Waxing moon

The waxing moon is when the moon appears to be getting bigger and growing in the sky. She is preparing for her full moon phase and shifting into a bigger sphere.

This moon phase has the perfect energy for growth and change. Use the energy of the waxing moon to grow in success, abundance or anything at all that you would like to achieve in.


Full Moon

This is the moon phase where you see the stereotype of witches dancing naked under the full moon. And although completely acceptable - the stereotype is probably more about the importance of the full moon than anything else.

Witches perform their most potent spellwork during the full moon or take a deep cleanse from all the work they did during the previous 30 days. 


Moon phase printable

To make it easy to reference I've created a printable. Check out this downloadable print you can easily print-at-home and place in your own grimoire. 


Moon Phase Printable Link




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