Spring cleaning for witches

It always helps to do a little spring cleaning after a long winter to get out of a funk. If you’ve been feeling meh - maybe some witchy spring cleaning will help pick up your spirits. 

Actually cleanse and charge your crystals

I know I’m a lazy witch who hardly ever does this but once a year. However, it is probably a good idea to drag all your crystals outside on a full moon and let them soak up all that good energy. It’ll give them a good psychic boost and help clear the atmosphere from the gunk they’ve been sucking up all year long.

Clean out your spell drawers/trunks, and closets

Witches acquire a lot of stuff. From old jars, herbs, incense, random leaves and rocks. Maybe it’s a good time to clear out your witchy spaces and give things a fresh organization to introduce some new energy.

Leave your offerings at a crossroads

What are we going to do with all those leftover herbs, candle wax and bits? Throw them away? No. Leave them as an offering.Yes! Take all your biodegradable used spell ingredients to your nearest crossroads and leave them as an offering. 

Clear your spaces

If the energy in your room, home or space is feeling heavy - do a good smoke cleanse. Open all the windows and light some incense. Waft it around, play some music, clap, whatever you need to do to dredge up all that stale energy and get it to flow out the window. Don’t forget small spaces like in between furniture, behind desk, under beds and inside closets. 

Take a cleansing bath

Maybe you’re feeling out of sorts and need a good cleanse to get that good feeling back. Or just to help transition from winter to spring. Take a citrus cleansing bath - I’ve written about it HERE. The orange/lemon smell always helps energize you, especially after a cold winter spent indoors. 

Meditate and journal

Sometimes it’s the simplest things - like a quick meditation to clear your mind and freestyle journaling. I like to take my pen and paper out and write out whatever I’m thinking or feeling without any expectations or judging. Just write it out. 

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